A successful job interview is a key to a rewarding career – here are some data interview tips that will help you to succeed.

  1. Be punctual – late leaves a bad first impression

It is absolutely essential that you arrive at your job interview on time. In fact, make sure to arrive about ten minutes early (a great professional habit). It will not only demonstrate to a potential employer that you know the value of punctuality – but it will also give you time to settle your nerves.

  1. Research your Prospective Employer

Make sure that you are intimately familiar with what the company actually does, its structure, and the people in charge. Make sure that you have a good working knowledge of its brands or services. That knowledge is essential as one of the questions you almost always will have to face is the standard ‘why do want to work here’?

Protip: Knowing about the company and the job offer itself is important – it will allow you to ask relevant questions about the job function itself.

  1. Nonverbal Communication is Important

Your body language will reveal a lot about your personality during the job interview. Take care to come across as positive. For instance, don’t look at your feet, and avoid crossing your arms as this can seem defensive. Don’t fully lean back on your chair, in fact, tilt your body very slightly forward – it shows keen interest and attention. Those bad habits reveal an inward-orientated personality – and no interviewer wants to see that, it means you are closed off to interaction. Dress according to the generally accepted workwear protocols of the position that you are expecting to fill, and be neat and presentable.

Protip: A firm handshake prior to the interview and after is a sign of good manners and respect.

  1. Always be Polite

No matter your perception of the person’s status always go that extra mile to be polite. Put on a smile and be friendly (but not too friendly). Your interviewer may very well ask around to get feedback from employees about their first impressions.

  1. Be Prepared

Take a copy of your CV with you, as well as your cover letter and any references. It shows that you are organized and motivated.

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