Staff and understudies at Ashington Academy are celebrating subsequent to getting an incredible report from school auditors Ofsted who have applauded the exceptional change of this once deficient school.

Presently evaluated as ‘great’ in all areas, examiners report that the Academy is giving an excellent instruction to the school’s 967 understudies.

Since turning into an Academy in 2017 the school has left on a program of fast enhancements under the direction of its support, the North East Learning Trust.

Examiners explicitly feature the difficult work of devoted Trust pioneers and school staff to address shortcomings presuming that understudies and staff presently “perceive the positive changes that have occurred over the long run” and are “glad for the progressions they currently see.” They additionally note the effect of the elevated standards that are currently put on understudies, the viable emotionally supportive networks that are set up and the acceptable conduct seen across the school.

Discussing the examination, Head teacher Yvonne Weston said:

“I’m unquestionably pleased that auditors have affirmed what we have known for quite a while – that Ashington Academy is giving a phenomenal training to the offspring of this local area.

“The circle back is the consequence of tremendous measures of difficult work from staff who have each exceeded all expectations to break the school liberated from the weight of exceptional measures. The school is presently satisfying its true capacity and is an incredible spot for the offspring of Ashington and the encompassing networks to learn in a blissful, safe, and steady climate.

“I might likewise want to thank our fantastic lead representatives who have given the test and backing the school has expected to quickly increase expectations. We are truly eager to now make the following stride in our aggressive excursion and keep on guaranteeing that all students flourish and arrive at their maximum capacity.”

Toni Spoors, Executive Headteacher and Deputy CEO of school supports the North East Learning Trust, added:

“Ashington Academy is an awesome school and I am happy Ofsted examiners concur. The review is just important for our story, be that as it may, as upgrades have been made in each edge of the school. We have changed the structure with capital venture from the Trust and Northumberland County Council, test results have worked on in all cases and the scope of extra-curricular exercises youngsters are offered is presently extraordinary.”

Seat of lead representatives, Claire Riley, was loaded with acclaim for the school’s staff and understudies:

“The excursion of progress Ashington Academy has been on lately has changed the presentation of the school and the experience for our understudies. It is just correct that this has been perceived by Ofsted and it is all credit to the educators, initiative group and understudies. The nearby local area can be appropriately pleased with their neighborhood school and have certainty that our spotlight will generally be on supporting our understudies to arrive at their maximum capacity.”


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